
The Team

Michelle the Naturopathic Doctor

Michelle Decker, BSc MSc ND

Naturopathic Doctor 

Kyle The Naturopathic Doctor

Kyle Maynard, BSc MSc ND

Naturopathic Doctor

Jocelyn Taitt, ND

Naturopathic Doctor 

Meridee Senick Chiropractor

Meridee Senick, DC


About the Clinic


Through inspiration and support, our mission is to help people on their journey towards their full health potential. With individualized programs and innovative technology, we treat and educate each patient based on their  values and the best available evidence. We strive to make naturopathic medicine an accessible option for anyone looking for primary care.



Our goal is to serve patients with efficient and effective integrative care. To this end, we have connected with many of skilled local practitioners to ensure that the right referral is available when required.

We have partnered with the Shelbourne Community Kitchen, which works towards food security through revitalizing the concept of a food bank, as well as providing cooking skills, health promotion and independence. A 15 minute “Meet the Doctor” visit is available with a donation to the Shelbourne Community Kitchen.


The more a community is educated, the more healthy and successful everyone in that community can be! We love educating through talks, newsletters and social media.  One of the most valuable aspects that we offer patients is helping them towards a better understanding of their body, mind and health! Dr. Kyle and Dr. Michelle are also instructors at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. If you are interested in having a health & wellness talk at your business, community group or other gathering, please contact the clinic. Dr. Kyle and Dr. Michelle would be happy to speak to your group!

The books in our clinic library are available to borrow for a month with a donation to the Shelbourne Community Kitchen.


Horizons Clinic works hard to make naturopathic medicine accessible to anyone. Through direct billing to MSP supplemental benefits and extended medical insurance, we are able to reduce upfront costs for many patients.


Orange represents good health, enthusiasm, happiness, creativity, determination, encouragement, and warmth. Orange stimulates people socially, physically and mentally which allows conversation and the creation of new ideas by eliminating our internal limitations. This gives the freedom to be ourselves while encouraging self-respect and respect for others. Orange offers emotional strength in difficult times. It builds resilience to despair, assisting the recovery from grief. Orange allows us to be more intuitive since it relates to ‘gut feelings’, as opposed to the physical reaction of red or the mental reaction of yellow. Most importantly, orange is youthful, energetic, and warm. All together, orange is the definition of vitality.