It’s summer time, so experience it to the fullest! To ensure a healthy summer, here are the ways to prevent and treat 5 common summer-related conditions.

1. Heat exhaustion

Heat exhaustion occurs when we are exposed to high temperatures for too long. Signs of heat exhaustion include headache, dizziness, profuse sweating and nausea. Heat stroke, an emergency condition, happens when our natural cooling mechanisms are no longer able to compensate and core temperature rises to dangerous levels.

Prevention: Avoid being outside during the hottest part of the day. If you have to be, wear a hat, stick to the shade and make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids, and no, alcohol doesn’t count!

Treatment: If you do develop heat exhaustion, cool yourself down with cold towels on your neck. Make sure to drink lots of fluids that are high in electrolytes like magnesium, potassium and sodium as sweating depletes you of water as well as salts!

Electrolyte Blend:

• 2 litres of liquid (options: green tea, herbal teas, coconut water, plain water)
• 2 tsp of Designs for Health Electrolyte Synergy* (available at Horizons Holistic Health Clinic)
• 1/4 cup or more of juice (optional) – Can use grape, apple, lemon, lime, pineapple – this for flavour
• 1-2 Tbsp sweetener (optional) – can use honey, stevia, etc.

1. Brew tea or slightly warm base liquid
2. Add Electrolyte Synergy
3. Add juice and sweetener if using and mix or shake well
4. Cool and store in fridge until ready to use
5. Will last up to four days in fridge

* If you can’t get this product, you can use 1/2 tsp Himalayan salt, and 1 tsp of calcium/magnesium powder

2. Food Poisoning

suHeading to a picnic or BBQ this summer? Food left out at warm temperatures is the perfect place for bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli to grow! The most common symptoms of food poisoning are diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps and a fever.

Prevention: When possible, choose foods that don’t spoil easily. Refrigerate food until just prior to serving. Pay attention to how long food has been sitting out before consumption.

Treatment: Probiotics are very important in restoring the balance of microbes in your digestive system even if you got sick years ago! S. boulardii, a probiotic yeast, can inhibit some bacterial toxins that cause food poisoning and help recovery from acute gastroenteritis. Ginger tea can help soothe nausea as well as rehydrate. As with heat exhaustion, drinking plenty of fluids rich in electrolytes is important for re-hydration.

3. Bug bites

mosquito natural treatmentWarm summer nights are great – until the mosquitoes come out!

Prevention: Long sleeves and pants will prevent a lot of mosquito bites. You can also create your own natural insect repellent with essential oils such as Citronella, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus and Lavender. There is also some evidence that Thiamine (Vitamin B1) and consuming garlic may reduce mosquito bites by making you smell unappealing to them.

Treatment: Many botanicals are soothing to the skin and can reduce the redness after a bite including Aloe, Calendula, and Chamomile. Chickweed, another herb, is fantastic at taking away the itch when used in a cream form. The inflammation of the bite can also be reduced with ice.

4. Summer colds

The ending of spring can cause lots of stress for some – graduation, job hunting, moving, relationship changes. These all take a toll on the immune system, making you more prone to infection. A summer cold really isn’t any different than a winter cold, but no one likes being sick when there is gorgeous weather to enjoy! It can sometimes be confused with seasonal allergies. It is important to see a doctor to help determine what is going on, and if further testing is warranted.

Prevention: Just like in the winter, reducing exposure is one of the best ways to prevent a cold, including regular hand washing. Determining if you have seasonal allergies and treating them can help. And, as always, reducing stress with adequate self care is important.

Treatment: Unfortunately, time is the biggest healer. However, sometimes taking certain supplements and herbs can decrease symptoms, and reduce the severity or duration of a cold. Depending on your symptoms and the cause of getting sick, there are many treatments available. When there is sinus congestion or lung issues, NAC and essential oils can prove helpful. If stress is a main instigator, adrenal support can help your body cope with stress.

5. Sunburns

The sun is extremely important to our health – it allows us to make Vitamin D, sets our circadian rhythm, and improves mood. But, too much sun can lead to sunburns. Just like any other burn, sun burns can be divided into types:
• 1st degree is a the most common superficial burn from the sun causing minor pain and redness
• 2nd degree is a deeper burn sometimes causing blistering and lots of pain especially over a large area
• 3rd degree burn is the worst but not usually caused by the sun

Prevention: Staying out of the sun, especially during peak UV index hours is the best. However, if you do need to in the sun, wear a hat, sunglasses and other protective clothing. Sunscreen is another option and if you are concerned about sunscreen safety, the Environmental Working Group has a free guide about sunscreen and more safety info!

Treatment: Aloe-Vitamin E cream is our favorite for sunburns. It is both soothing and healing. Cool baths with oatmeal or vinegar can help reduce the pain and redness but if there is significant blistering, this may not be a good option. Make sure to avoid the sun until your burn is completely healed!

For more information about any of these conditions, or any other health concerns that are preventing you from enjoying the summer, contact the naturopathic doctors at Horizons Holistic Health Clinic!

Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes only. Please consult a medical practitioner regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical conditions.

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