Environmental Allergy Testing

The IgE Allergy Skin Prick Test is a relatively painless and common method of testing for allergies. A small amount of an allergen is introduced into the skin by making a small indentation or “prick” on the surface of the skin. If the allergy is positive, within 20 minutes a hive will develop where the allergen was introduced. Results are easy to interpret and provide a specific allergy diagnosis. As a bonus, Horizons Clinic has an antidote to stop the itching as soon as the test is complete. Skin tests need to be performed in office to assure an accurate test procedure and proper result interpretation as well as providing a safe environment if rare side effects occur.


The clinic has the capacity to test for the following allergies:

Trees – Alder, White Ash, Black Birch, American Elm, Shagbark Hickory, Sugar Maple, White Oak, White Poplar, American Sycamore
Grass – Timothy, Orchard, June, Red Top, Sweet Vernal
Weeds – Cocklebur, Rough Marsh Elder, English Plantain, Lamb’s Quarters
Ragweed – Giant and Short Ragweed
Dog – epithelium
Cat – epithelium
MitesD. pter, D. farinae
MoldAlternaria alternata, Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium sphaerospermum, Penicillium chrysogenum.

Testing is not limited to these particular allergens.
If you would like to test a specific food or environmental allergen please contact our office for price and timeline.

Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)

Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) uses daily administration of very low dose allergens at home, under the tongue with very little side effects. This is an alternative to subcutaneous immunotherapy injections, which must be administered by a doctor, in office. Sublingual immunotherapy addresses the root cause of allergies, provides sustained symptom relief and has been shown to reduce the risk of developing asthma.

“Sublingual Immunotherapy treats the cause of allergy in a painless, hassle free way.” – westernallergy.com

The vast majority of patients experience marked symptom relief within the first few months of starting treatment. For long term, lasting results SLIT is used year-round for 2 to 5 years to decrease symptoms as well as build a tolerance to the allergens. Research shows that committing to the full therapy can result in permanent symptom relief. No more allergies! Alternatively, SLIT can be used pre-seasonal to provide a quick build up of the antigen prior to, and throughout the allergy season. Treatment is discontinued during the off-season.

Stats on SLIT:

40% reduction in asthma symptoms with SLIT
60% reduction in rhinitis symptoms
80% of patients report improved quality of life
88% of patients prefer SLIT over SCIT

For additional information and FAQs, click here.